Προφίλ συμπεριφοράς

Congratulations! You made it.

The questionnaire has been filled out completely. It is now automatically processed by us.

Who will receive your online profile?
envelopeYou yourself
Usually, your contact person will receive your profile.

Nick Smith with email nick@squarepegscoaching.com is configured as your contact person in our system.

If Nick Smith is not your contact person you can delete your profile here. The same applies if you wish to revoke your consent to the processing of profile data.

Please note: In both cases your profile and data will be permanently deleted for you and your contact person and the questionnaire cannot be filled out again. Therefore, make sure to download your profile first before revoking the data.

You can close this tab now.

By the way: persolog has a total of over 20 scientifically based online profiles on the topics of personality, resilience, time management, stress management, self-leadership and much more in different languages. For more information on the various topics, visit shop.persolog.com.

persolog GmbH
envelope support@persolog.com
phone +49 7232 3699-0
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